Botox Cosmetic
Botox Cosmetic is a terrific, long-lasting, office-based non-surgical treatment that can erase wrinkles and frown-lines in the forehead and upper face. Frown lines in the forehead and wrinkles around the eyes develop from over activity of the underlying facial muscles. Botox Cosmetic temporarily relaxes those muscles and softens or erases the offending wrinkles for up to four months. Our injectables & fillers take effect within three days of treatment.
Botox is a neuro-modulator, which means it works by affecting the transmission of signals from the brain to the muscles. Since the contracting of facial muscles is what causes lines and wrinkles to form, limiting those contractions can reduce the appearance of wrinkles in areas with excess muscle movement, like the forehead. Botox can have a quick impact on the visibility of common frown lines and can also help reduce the formation of future wrinkles with ongoing use.
Botox Injections
Beautiful and natural results are the ultimate measure of success in Botox Cosmetic treatments. Botox injections should eliminate the serious or tired look that comes with wrinkles without causing you to lose expression in your face. By combining clinical knowledge with an artistic vision, Dr. Khosh can give you results that complement your face without compromising your expression. Botox injections are effective in treating the jawline, execessive sweating and more.
Botox for Migraines and Jaw Pain
Although Botox is primarily used to address the signs of aging in the face, it can also be used for non-aesthetic reasons as well. Patients may benefit from Botox injections if they suffer from migraine headaches and/or TMJ disorders.
Botox is FDA-approved to prevent chronic migraines. This preventive treatment is only for adults who suffer from 15 or more recurrent migraine headaches per month, with each one lasting 4 hours or more. For such patients, a Botox injection is typically given every 12 weeks.
Botox has also proven effective in the treatment for TMJ (temporo-mandibular joint) disorders, including its related jaw pain and tension headaches. TMJ is commonly caused by jaw clenching and teeth grinding. Therefore, by injecting Botox into the affected facial muscles, it inhibits the jaw muscles from making the powerful and excessive movements that trigger TMJ disorder symptoms, including headaches, jaw tension and jaw soreness. Botox can even help with lock jaw in situations of severe stress. Currently, Botox is an off label treatment for TMJ symptoms, but it has shown remarkable success thus far.
If you suffer from recurrent migraines or TMJ problems, Dr. Khosh can help you determine if you are a candidate for non-aesthetic Botox injection treatment. At all times, we put our patient’s safety first and we are happy to verify your treatment plan with your primary physician if necessary.
Contact our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Khosh for you, a member of your family or even a friend.
Frequently Asked Questions About Botox
Yes. Botox treatments involve a few injections with a very small needle. Patients can apply makeup and return to work immediately.
No. Botox Cosmetic and Dysport injections take up to three days to take effect.
Botox injections are usually tolerated very well. We use topical numbing creams to minimize any discomfort. Some patients prefer cooling of the skin with an ice pack, and some prefer no pre-treatments at all.
Yes. Physical exercise or facial movement does not impact effectiveness of Botox injections.
In order for Botox treatments to be effective the correct dose of the medication needs to be injected into precise locations in the face. In this case, either too little Botox was used, or Botox was not injected into the correct muscle site. Additional amounts of Botox can be injected to achieve the desired effect.
Those lines are known as nasolabial folds or melolabial folds. Botox will not be effective for this problem. Injectable fillers such as: Retylane, Juvederm, Scupltra or Radiesse can help soften these folds.
Yes. The FDA has approved Botox for treatment of excess under arm sweating. The injection method is different for this indication. In this case, the Botox is injected into the skin, where the sweat glands are located, not into the underlying muscles.
Yes. Botox and filler injections can be complimentary for enhancing your facial features and revitalizing the face. The treatments are often performed simultaneously.
Related Procedures
Botox injections help smooth frown lines and the wrinkle lines around the eyes. Complementary office procedures to help soften lines depressions or folds include filler injections such as Retylane, Juvederm, Scupltra, and Radiesse. Otherwise, more permanent surgical procedures to rejuvenate the face include: blepharoplasty (cosmetic eyelid surgery), fat grafting or fat transfer, and facelift surgery.

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